Treat spots and stains immediately.
The longer you wait, the harder they are to remove. PRETEST spot removal solutions in unseen places like under a piece of furniture or sofa cushion. Apply a few drops and blot. If the color changes or transfers to the cloth, call us.
Ketchup (catsup) and other tomato-based sauces are reddish brown and cause both absorbed and built-up types of stains. They generally contain tomatoes, salt, sugar, spices, tannin, vinegar, onions, artificial coloring, preservatives, etc.
1. Apply cool detergent solution, blot.
2. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
3. Apply enzyme detergent, blot. (Note caution below about using enzymes on natural fibers)
4. If stain remains, bleaching with 3-5% hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate is recommended – proceed with extreme caution, or call us.
5. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.