Treat spots and stains immediately. The longer you wait, the harder they are to remove. PRETEST spot removal solutions in unseen places like under a piece of furniture or sofa cushion. Apply a few drops and blot. If the color changes or transfers to the cloth, call us.
Cosmetics can include makeup, mascara, lipsticks, lotions and creams. They are mostly pigments in dyes, fats, waxes and oils.
1. Scrape off excess (using a dull edge tool) and apply POG* remover, blot.
2. Apply dry cleaning solvent*, blot.
3. Apply detergent solution, blot.
4. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
5. Apply vinegar solution, blot.
6. Rinse with water, blot until dry.
* Dry cleaning solvent and POG (paint oil grease) remover are available at most hardware stores, or call us. Solvents contain volatile organic compounds and must be used in strict accordance with manufacturers’ instructions. Use in a well-ventilated space and avoid products containing perchlorethylene (considered quite hazardous)